Monday, November 1, 2010

One down, One to go

I've finished the first of the birth pieces that I've been commissioned to do. I am now busily beginning the kit, Wild Thing for his brother, Noah. I've never been commissioned before. Usually when I stitch for someone, I pick out the chart/kit and do what I want and I start it in time to finish it shortly after the child's birth or the wedding date or whatever the occasion is to mark. But this time, the grandma purchased the kits before  the babies were due and immediately knew that she wouldn't be able to do it. So, she asked me. I didn't get started until they were already over a month old. I only promised to have it done by their first birthday. Who knows what could happen to distract me from my stitching schedule.
Next on my todo list is to begin my purposed family project. I want to stitch Christmas stockings for all of my family. They will stay at my house until I am no longer able to fill them. They already have store bought stockings that they leave here from year to year. They love going through them and finding what special treats Santa has left at our house. We have six members of the immediate famly. Phillip, (husband) Brandon (oldest son), Matt (youngest son), Amanda (daughter-in-law), and my dear Madi (aka Madison)(darling granddaughter). Plus there is me, but I'm probably going to put myself last. I have already decided on who gets what design and I just have to stop myself from changing my mind.

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