Monday, November 29, 2010

Twins Together

Here they are, together.


I can't believe it. I actually finished it. The thing is, if it hadn't been for Thanksgiving, I could have finished it by Thanksgiving. Backstitching went very quickly. Tedious, but really, I'm not complaining. First here's the finished Wild Thing.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Back Stitching Blues

From here on out, it gets tedious. I know. Some folks would say that all of counted cross stitch is tedious. But not to me. But from now on, it's all backstitching. It really shouldn't take that long, maybe a week or so, but it feels like you aren't really making progress. You can't see new things. But here is what it looks like at present with a minimum amount of back stitching complete. I expect the next update to be at the finish line.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Lion Sleeps

The lion and zebra are finished. I did the zebra because that gave me starting points all around to do the lion. Now, to finish the bubbles and do Wild Thing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Giraffe in Orange with Green

This was kind of  boring to stitch, but still it stitched up fairly quickly. I am now well into Mr. Lion. I realized just as I started him that this is not a four animal picture, but five. There's the purple panda, the brown monkey, the orange giraffe, the tan lion and behind the lion, is a zebra. All you can see of him is his stripes. Kind of a cool way to work in another animal.
I have finished all the stitching of the twigs, and several of the things I refer to as colored bubbles. There are still some of them left, and the saying Wild Thing along with the personalization. I did put in his name, but it just wasn't centered, even though it was according to the count I had done. Unless my count was off, which is possible. I've already frogged it and will recount it before I put it in.
Then there is the dreaded backstitching. Lot's of backstitching. But it moves quickly once I'm working just on that. And I like to wait to do that until the rest is finished so that I don't have to undo and redo any.
Is the end in sight? Maybe, but only if the road is straight and there are no roadblocks in my path. Because Thanksgiving is next week, there will be less time for stitching. But, I think I will make my deadline.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Monkey See-Monkey Done

Okay, I know that isn't correct grammar, but I thought it sounded more like the original saying. What I mean is, The monkey is finished. I am not sure why it stitched up faster than the purple panda. I can't make up my mind which animal is next. I'm going to work on the twigs around the monkey. I've completed enough to know where to start whichever I decide to stitch, but because they are sooooo boring, I need to keep them
pretty much caught up with the animals.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Purple Panda completed

I have completed the purple panda. It's taken me about two weeks. That seems like a long time when you look at how much  actual space it takes up. My guess is that it's about 3" by 4". There are another three animals as well as lots of wooden strips. I'm starting next on the lion.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wild Thing

I'm not sure that I shouldn't have done this one first. I always try to do the hardest one first. Saving the easiest for last is more fun. But so far, The Wild Thing is proving to be just that. Lots of color changes and more shading than on the first one. I guess it's just that the first one moved so quickly. I'm giving myself small goals so that I'll feel like I'm getting somewhere. But it is going to take a while. Especially with the holidays and the self imposed deadline of being completely through with them in time to send them on their way for Christmas. I think I should have kept my mouth shut about being through with the first one, already.

Monday, November 1, 2010

One down, One to go

I've finished the first of the birth pieces that I've been commissioned to do. I am now busily beginning the kit, Wild Thing for his brother, Noah. I've never been commissioned before. Usually when I stitch for someone, I pick out the chart/kit and do what I want and I start it in time to finish it shortly after the child's birth or the wedding date or whatever the occasion is to mark. But this time, the grandma purchased the kits before  the babies were due and immediately knew that she wouldn't be able to do it. So, she asked me. I didn't get started until they were already over a month old. I only promised to have it done by their first birthday. Who knows what could happen to distract me from my stitching schedule.
Next on my todo list is to begin my purposed family project. I want to stitch Christmas stockings for all of my family. They will stay at my house until I am no longer able to fill them. They already have store bought stockings that they leave here from year to year. They love going through them and finding what special treats Santa has left at our house. We have six members of the immediate famly. Phillip, (husband) Brandon (oldest son), Matt (youngest son), Amanda (daughter-in-law), and my dear Madi (aka Madison)(darling granddaughter). Plus there is me, but I'm probably going to put myself last. I have already decided on who gets what design and I just have to stop myself from changing my mind.