Wednesday, December 26, 2012


This one had to go in the mail, but it is on it's way now. I hope the translation is correct. It'd be a shame to say the wrong thing. It's Pinoy or Filipino. It's supposed to say something like, Leave it to God.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Violet Club Christmas presents

On December 11, our local violet club held it's annual Christmas party. I made most of my gift. Libbie Glembocki got my present. Here's a picture of her wearing part of it. Also there is a Christmas ornament that I also made for her.

Friday, December 14, 2012

NOW it's a Stocking

All stitched up and ready to fill. The thing is, there is a major size discrepancy between Brandon's stocking and Madi's . I will post a picture below to provide proof. I think there are a couple of reasons for this, but mainly it's a difference in the count of Aida I used. 14 vs. 16. Anyway, it doesn't seem fair to Madi, because she's the child and her stocking will always be smaller. Oh well. She should learn now. Life isn't fair.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Here's the finish, but not quite finished

Still haven't had five minutes to put it together, but here is a pic of the finished cross stitch. Wait'll you see it in a stocking.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Stocking Finish

Finally!!! .The stocking is complete. Well the stitching anyway. Tomorrow I will launder it and construct the actual stocking. No pics until then. But it feels like a weight has been lifted. The deadline was self imposed, but very real to me. I'll start the next one as soon as I get it kitted up.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back Stitching

I'm doing the backstitching. It's really time consuming, but I am doing a little fudging. The design says to use several different colors for the backstitching. But unless it's obvious, I'm just using the black. It's going along pretty well. After that, I'll just have the construction of the stocking itself. So, barring complications, it will be finished in time to hang for Christmas. Yahoo!