Friday, April 26, 2013

Another Finish Matt's Stocking

It feels really good to have this one finished. It seems like it's taken forever, but I think if I checked my start date I would find it actually took less than my usual time.
It's called The Best of Christmas, by Linda Gillum. I think it's my favorite so far. It has the things I love best about Christmas. Christmas trees and children!
Here's a picture.
Next on the list is Amanda. I have picked out the design but I had to order fabric, braid and beads. I guess I will take a stitching break. I hope it won't take too many days. I like to get started while I'm in the groove.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The End is In Sight

I'm down to the back stitching. I can hardly wait to be able to post a final picture. I'm thinking that I'll start the next one instead of giving myself a stocking break. My arm/wrist is bothering me again and I know my stitching days are numbered. So, I'm really going to make sure I finish my ultimate goal.
I hope in a couple of weeks to be on to the next project. Yay!