Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I almost gave up

A couple of days ago, I had a night of insomnia. I hate lying there, unable to sleep. So, I got up. Watched tv, read, played computer games and finally picked up my stitching. I stitched away. This is a fairly uncomplicated pattern, but suddenly, there it was. A Glaring Mistake. I noticed it when I was stitching the top line of one of the bottom blocks. It was off by one when compared to the backstitched verse. I looked and looked and could not see where the mistake was. I was afraid to even think how many stitches I was going to have to remove to fix it. I am not one of those stitchers who can overlook a mistake. As I said, this was a glaring one, if only to me and I knew it would be mocking me as I stitched forward, especially as I did not know where the error was, so I couldn't compensate somewhere else, even though this pattern as I said is not that complicated. So, in the midst of my insomnia, I made a decision. I was going to stop working on this project. It is not often that I do quit once I start, but this was not a project that "had" to be done, and I did not want a project full of angst. So, I regretfully put it away, fully intending to never look at it again.
But, in the full light of day, I decided to give it one last try. And lo and behold, the error was in the backstitched verse. Not in the stitching itself. A fairly easy error to fix. It did involve taking out most of the verse, but that isn't a real struggle for me. Especially, when it could have been many, many stitches of the specially dyed floss that is so expensive. I was so happy and am now back on track. Picture later.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

They can get married now

I won't be standing there when the minister says, Does anybody have a reason why this couple should not get married, saying "Wait, I've got a few more stitches". It's done now. And signed, sealed and only needing to be framed. Pardon the wrinkles and folds, but it is complete.
I've started back on a smallish one for my sister. She's the one that I'm afraid might not welcome anymore creations. She once asked me if I thought Mama might be getting tired of getting my work. But she is going to get it anyway, want it or not. I saw it and thought of her immediately. So there!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Seaside Wedding

I will finish this project before the wedding. I realize that just making this statement almost guarantees that I will have a complication in the next few days. But it is coming along. The wedding is in October and I am almost through with all except the backstitching. I don't know the couple well enough to know what their style is, so I hope it is something that will appeal to them. The beach seems to be a very popular theme these days.