Thursday, December 23, 2010

No Stitching... Bah HumBug

I have not stitched at all in several weeks. I finished the birth pieces for Evan and Noah, and started a stocking for my favorite little girl. I really didn't make any real headway into it though because first of all, Phillip had surgery that went awry.Then we had some entertaining to do. Between cleaning and cooking, there wasn't much time, but besides that, my chart stand gets in the way when we're having friends over. So, I remove it. I'm not putting it  back up until after the holidays. Therefore, no stitching. And I feel like I'm missing my left thumb. I think it's amazing how some people say they can't find time for stitching, but for me, if I don't stitch, I don't feel productive. So, while I thoroughly enjoy the holiday and family and friends, I will treasure the time when I can stitch again and get my fingers busy.